April 21st, 2022
Self-Love Video Training
I thought I would switch it up a bit this week and do a video training (how exciting right!?!?!)
I went LIVE in my Private Facebook Group a while back, covering a topic I feel you could benefit from.
That is the idea of cultivating more SELF-LOVE!
Because too many women out there do not see just how incredibly valuable they truly are.
I want to make it my mission to change that!
How is your SELF-LOVE game?
Do you embrace and cherish yourself fully and wholeheartedly?
If you’re struggling with this, it’s okay, we have all been there (myself included!!!).
That is why I thought it was so important to share this particular training with all of you. After all, I want all of you to….
Every part of you, the good, bad and indifferent, it is all perfectly wonderful and what makes you YOU!!!!
And, let’s be honest, you’re pretty amazing if you ask me. Because we all our in our own unique way.
It’s my job to create the space for you to remember that!!! To tap into and remember who you are and what make you so worthy and deserving of SELF-LOVE.
In this training you will learn:
? Why SELF-LOVE is so important to your overall mental health and wellness
? The difference between narcissism, ego & self-love.
? The four pillars that SELF-LOVE is comprised of, so you can quickly gauge where you are currently and which areas require some TLC from you.
? A multitude of different ways to tap into and increase your SELF-LOVE, so you can start embracing who you are and exist confidently in this world.
So, without further ado, click on the video below to access the training:
I would LOVE to hear what you think of the video, did it resonate with you?
Did you learn something from it that you didn’t know before? Did something click in your mind?
I’m curious and want to hear all about it.
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!
You’re so important to me and I want nothing more than to know you’re ready to increase your SELF-LOVE and tap into your own majesty.