Are you Always Busy!?!

This might be a tough pill to swallow, but it’s important for you to know. And I’m all about illuminating some serious truths for you. If you are someone that thrives on being busy every moment of every day, you might want to set aside everything you’re doing right now and listen in close. Is it possible that you have learned that your worthiness is tied directly […]

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Conquering Negative Thoughts

I am willing to bet you are struggling with some negative thoughts, if you weren’t you might not have opened this email. I’ll go ahead and assume you’re having a hard time, that the thoughts you’ve been thinking lately have been bringing you down. Your mind is a POWERFUL place, it has the ability to uplift or kick you when you’re down. Did you know you think […]

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A Quick Mindset Shift – It’s Never a Waste

So many of the clients I work with say to me “I wish I had changed sooner,” or “why did I waste so much time?” My response is always the same, you don’t know what you don’t know until you know it. And, if that is the case, how could you have possibly made a different choice?!? You were making decisions based on […]

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Healing Ancestral Wounds

Good day to you! Do you have an innate awareness that your family has been recycling patterns of behaviour? Or maybe you feel as though some of your deep seeded beliefs might not actually be your own at all? Are you curious about how to begin healing the wounds of your ancestral line so as to not perpetuate the cycle? Perhaps you want to explore the root of your […]

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Mindfulness Tips

Have you heard of mindfulness before? It’s okay if you haven’t, it seems to be a term that is thrown around a lot and has become “trendy.” Maybe you have an idea of what it means but haven’t found a method which suits your lifestyle. Alternatively, you might be of the impression mindfulness = meditation and you feel overwhelmed by the thought of sitting quietly […]

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Self-Love Video Training

I thought I would switch it up a bit this week and do a video training (how exciting right!?!?!) I went LIVE in my Private Facebook Group a while back, covering a topic I feel you could benefit from. That is the idea of cultivating more SELF-LOVE! Because too many women out there do not see just how incredibly valuable they truly are. I want to […]

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Fear of Change

Oh hey there! I have been thinking a lot lately about how much seeking change and transformation can be difficult Not only difficult though, SCARY, to the point where you just want to run and hide to avoid the discomfort. Can you relate to that? I know I sure can, I allowed my fear of change to control me for years. Even though I was wildly dissatisfied with the […]

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Finding the Perfect Fit!

Fancy meeting you here! Today I am coming at you with a good ole dose of the TRUTH NOT ALL COUNSELLORS ARE THE SAME Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not the type of person that would ever knock another professional down because I wouldn’t, EVER. We all care deeply for our clients We are all emotionally invested, sometimes to a fault […]

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Virtual Counselling is Legit!

I know what you may be thinking. It’s almost like I can hear the questions running on a loop in your brain. Is Virtual Counselling the same as in-person? Will I get the same benefit meeting a practitioner over Zoom that I would if I was in their physical office space? Believe me, I have asked myself the same question, many times. Traditionally speaking, […]

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Triggers will Happen

I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately I know we may not have met yet, maybe we never will, but that doesn’t stop me from wondering about how you’re doing and what you might be struggling with these days. Because, truth be told, neither of us are perfect, there are always going to be days where the struggle is REAL. Things can start out all peachy, […]

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