therapist for women

Societal Expectations!

“Just because society expects you to be one way doesn’t mean you have to adopt it.” Living by the expectations of society is exhausting! No thanks, I think we have all done that for long enough and it will never truly feel aligned. You are meant to be unique, you’re not meant to live life based on the values of […]


Ready to Start Therapy? I’ve got your back

Have you been thinking about starting Therapy lately?​​Wondering if it’s part of your path but having no idea what to expect?​​Believe it or not, many people have similar experiences, they aren’t sure what’s going to happen or if they will know what to talk about.​On top of this, people often wonder if they are the right fit for therapy, almost minimizing all the reasons they wanted […]


💌 There is nothing wrong with you, there never was 💌

I have a secret for you, one that is going to BLOW your mind. Ready to hear it? You might not believe me at first. Either way, I am about to share it with you. THERE.IS.NOTHING.WRONG.WITH.YOU! There never has been anything wrong with you, not ever. You’re not someone who is broken beyond repair. As empaths, it’s easy to fall into the self-blame […]


Supposed to Culture is EVERYWHERE!

Oh boy, is Supposed to Culture ever sneaky. Or rather, maybe it isn’t at all and we’ve just become so accustomed to it’s influence we can’t even see it anymore. Now it can be found even in the most popular of bingeworthy Netflix shows. This messaging “if you’re emotional you’re weak” ⛔?‍♀️⛔ How can this be?!?! Why is this what […]


Become a Brain Detective ??️‍♀️

It has been a hot minute hasn’t it? Days and weeks have gone by since I last posted here on the blog, maybe you’ve been wondering what the HECK happened to me. Did she just disappear? Did she forget all about me? Did she just up and abandon her community? What is wrong with her? Funnily enough, you might not have even […]


Come for the Rainbow, Stay for the Hug!

Ready to do this? If so, keep on reading. It’s so exhausting, living up to the standards and expectations of Supposed to Culture, eventually it takes it’s toll. We get to the point where we just can’t take it anymore, where something has to give. When enough is ENOUGH. That’s the point when you’re READY to break up with Supposed to Culture once and for all. And […]


What is the Zone of Intuitive Flow?

What the HECK is the Z.O.I.F?​Don’t you worry, I am about to tell you all about it. It’s what I like to call, the Zone of Intuitive Flow.​​When you walk the Journey to Worthiness, one of the most important aspects is reconnecting to your intuition.​I would almost argue it’s THE key to tapping into your Empowerment.​​When you’re in the Z.O.I.F your intuition is online and accurate, you have […]


What Does Spirituality Mean to me?

To me, spirituality restored my hope and optimism, it made me feel comfortable venturing into the unknown, to embrace it and fight the fear head on. It’s like I knew the Universe wouldn’t steer me in the wrong direction, all I had to do was trust and follow the next breadcrumb. That is what spirituality is to me, following the […]


Redefining Success – A Personal Reflection

Supposed to Culture would have us believe that there is only ONE definition for success. In the spirit of breaking up with and challenging Supposed to Culture, I am choosing to redefine what success means to me. Hopefully you feel inspired to do the same. And now, onto the personal reflection: To me, success truly means that I have ditched […]


What Type of Therapist am I?

This was a question I wasn’t really expecting to be faced with when I started my practice. I thought saying “I’m a Therapist” was going to be enough, like people would just understand what it meant. What I found out was that this wasn’t necessarily the case, in fact, I got heaps of questions about it. This totally shocked me […]