I went on a bit of a rant…

“One must be truthful and honest in their approach; a constant independent inquiry and not blindly following a certain blue print laid down by others” – Bruce Lee Boy oh boy, did I ever go on a rant. Well, let’s call it something different, I stood on the proverbial apple box and advocated my opinion strongly. If you didn’t already know, I have […]

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Grab your FREE Dream Journal

“Dreams are often messages transmitted by the soul. Observe them with care and curiosity” Unknown Author I am a big believer in dreams being messages, I always have been really. That belief only heightened as I went through Therapy myself and started tapping into my own sense of spirituality. I started having more vivid dreams, one’s that didn’t seem so random. It felt like my subconscious was bubbling to the […]

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A Safe Space to Be YOU! ?‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️

“In a world of algorithms, hashtags, and followers, know the true importance of human connection” -Unknown Have you been looking for a place where you can be yourself and connect with others who are also seeking to make BIG shifts in their life? Perhaps up until this point you have been feeling alone, yearning for a place to just simply be YOU! Because, let’s be honest, it’s been tough out there, finding connection and like minded […]

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Why you can’t just get over it!

It’s an unhelpful statement, it really is… On the flip side of that coin, how many times have you found yourself saying this statement to someone else. It likely has come out in a heated moment or disagreement. I know I have surely said it once or twice…. But here is the thing about statements like this, they aren’t helpful […]

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Self-Doubt Got you Down?

“You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens” Louise L. Hay  I don’t know about you my friend. but I have let self-doubt get in my way more times than I can count. In fact, it was the very thing that was holding me firmly in place, never going after my goals or taking […]

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Do you Need a Little Support?

It wasn’t all that long ago that you followed your intuition and were a HECK YES for the Redefine, ReALIGN & Rediscover YOU email series. If you haven’t had a chance to check that one out, I highly recommend you do so. It will support you in uncovering your blocks, tapping into your strengths and getting you started on redefining your life. This was/is your very first step towards making […]

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Have you Grabbed your Single Session Yet?

Did you know there is a brand new way to work with me? This is pretty darn exciting, I’m not going to lie. Up until this point, I have only been offering my program Purposeful Insight, I have not been offering single sessions. I know that the Therapeutic Journey takes more than one session, I have been there myself. It is […]

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I have a Confession…

Let’s have a chat! I really want to share this with you, mostly because I want you to be able to get to know me. The real me; the good stuff, the challenges and yes, even the messy-ness Because the last thing I want for you is to think I am perfect… Nothing could be further from the truth (though I WISH it were the case!) But that’s just not reality, there are days […]

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Change isn’t Actually the Scary Part ?

That’s right, I said it… Change isn’t actually that scary, in fact, as humans, were meant to growth, develop, and change. It’s in our very nature! So why is it that so many people seem to struggle when it comes to shaking things up?!?! Well, what if I told you it’s less about the change itself and more the fear of the unknown that […]

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It’s about the journey…

‘ll be the first to admit it, sometimes I get overwhelmed. And that’s tough to say, admitting that I too have moments of stress, where there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. It’s hard to not get wrapped up in that, allowing that energy to take over and run the show. But, when I really sit back and think about it, I […]

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